Wednesday, January 2, 2008

L O V I N G my Nike +!

I am a gear head. I love gear. I have a closet full of camping, golfing, hiking, mountain biking, and rock climbing gear. It's totally out of control. And I've been on a running kick for the last few months, and got a BUNCH of cool new gadgetry for running. I got a nano, a Polar F6 heartrate monitor, and a Nike + plug in for my iPod. B is calling me the bionic running woman.

The Nike + is so cool, it keeps track of the distance you ran, your speed, your total miles, etc, and you can store it on the Nike website and do virtual challenges with other runners. So I entered the "Nestie 100 mile challenge" with about 10 other girls all over the US. The first person to run 100 miles wins! The challenge started yesterday, and today I hammered out 5 miles, so I am the current leader. I'm sure I'll drop back tomorrow, since we'll be in the car all day, but I think I can crank out some miles over the weekend. It's so fun beating people!

1 comment:

Bridget said...

holy crap you're winning!! go RSP!