Sunday, January 27, 2008

Frankie Blue Eyes

B called me frantically on Tuesday, informing me he had caught a cat. We've had a colony of stray cats living in our apartment complex for several months, and I have been trying unsuccessfully trying to catch the cats to spay and neuter them.

So, B caught a cat, and then didn't know what to do with it. So he secluded it in our bathroom, and we took a few pictures and put up some signs around the neighborhood. He's a very nice cat, declawed and neutered, and very friendly. Of course, Bear and Bella are extremely curious.....they LOVE to chase cats!

We've had Frankie for a few days now, and everyone seems to be getting along amicably, although the cat is definately cautious of the dogs. Bear still wants to chase Frankie, but Frankie won't run, and seems to have figured out the guest room is a safe haven for him. Bella is most interested in sampling the cat food.

So, we're going to continue looking for his family....I'm sort of shocked that no one is missing him, but maybe he's been on the run for awhile. Who knows where he came from. I've already contacted a cat rescue that might take him, and we can foster him while he's up for adoption.

I confess I would like to keep him, but B doesn't seem to want another animal right now. That's totally understandable!

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